AMERICA BULLETIN (15 October 2011)
Marches inspired by the Occupy Wall Street protest have been parading all day around the world and at end of the day parades headed to Midtown Manhattan for the main event, an occupation of Times Square.
Academy award filmmaker Michael Moore, also, attended the anti-wall protest in Times Square. He urged the police officers that people are peaceful and they should let them get together. Moore, kept tweeting out about the demonstrations.
He was among protesters at corner of 7th Avenue and 46’th Street and obviously impressed with the turnout. When Amerika Bulteni asked him what he thought about anti-Wall protests turn to global event. He said, that, ‘’One percent of the planet steals 99 percents of the planet’s future. And people should say something about it’’.
Those who have seen him cheered him and some were express their gratitude and gratefulness for his support.
Moore was filming police action with his iPhone. And he laughed when somebody shout out to NYPD officers: ‘’Michael Moore is watching!’’