AMERİKA BÜLTENİ (27 Eylül 2016)
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Hillary Clinton’ın göz alıcı kırmızı elbisesi, Twitter’da en çok konuşulanlardan biriydi:
— Chelsea Peretti (@chelseaperetti) September 27, 2016
Clinton’ın giyside Cumhuriyetçi kırmızısı tercihi, Trump’ın kravat renginde Demokrat mavisi tercihi dikkat çekiciydi:
Are they wearing opposing party colors on purpose? Do they talk about their clothes? THESE ARE THE QUESTIONS WE MUST ASK #Debates
— Hannah Hart (@harto) September 27, 2016
Trump’ın sık sık burnunu çekmesi, ‘kokain’ başta olmak üzere birçok espriye konu oldu:
If you added Trump’s sniffle to your drinking game tonight, you’re probably hammered #debates #debatenight #Debates2016 #MAGA
— Trump’s sniffle (@TrumpSniffle) September 27, 2016
Imagine if Hillary was the one sniffing
— Steve Kovach (@stevekovach) September 27, 2016
Notice Trump sniffing all the time. Coke user?
— Howard Dean (@GovHowardDean) September 27, 2016
Trump’ın kampanyasının, Trump’ın açık oturumda söyledikleri ile çelişen Tweet’lerini silme çabaları da sohbetlerin bir başka konusuydu:
Trump deleting tweets like he just got cast on SNL.
— Kumail Nanjiani (@kumailn) September 27, 2016
Trump’ın Hillary’nin sözlerini sık sık kesmeye çalışması:
can you imagine if hillary yelled “WROOONG” into the mic while donald was talking
— Lindy West (@thelindywest) September 27, 2016
his condescending interjections and interruptions and mansplaining are hitting the deepest part of my womanly frustration #Debates2016
— Rashida Jones (@iamrashidajones) September 27, 2016
Trump just said “excuse me” when Hillary interrupted then proceeded to INTERRUPT HER SEVERAL TIMES perfect example of his character #debates
— Christine Sydelko (@csydelko) September 27, 2016
Hillary Clinton’ın Trump’ın gelir vergisi beyannamesini Amerikan halkından saklamasına yönelik etkili çıkışı, beyzbol literatüründe şöyle karşılık bulmuş:
here’s a look at how secretary clinton handled that question on trump’s taxes:
— mike casca (@cascamike) September 27, 2016
Donald Trump, ‘ben böyle bir şey söylemedim’ dedikçe internet:
donald trump: I didn’t say that
the internet:
— laney (@seinfeId) September 27, 2016
fact checkers right now every time Trump opens his mouth
— Alison Stevenson (@JustAboutGlad) September 27, 2016
Açık oturumu izleyen Suriyelilerin tepkisi:
I’m watching the debate with a group of Syrians and we all agree that Trump would make a great Baathist
— Mohamad Bazzi (@BazziNYU) September 27, 2016
Açık oturumu izleyen Japonların tepkisi
Trump: “We defend Japan.. but they don’t pay us.” Japan pays almost $2 billion annually to host U.S. troops. #factcheck #debatenight
— Hiroko Tabuchi (@HirokoTabuchi) September 27, 2016
Yalan konuştuğun nasıl anlaşılır?
know when you catch your partner cheating, & you catch them lying bc they give too many random details? that’s Trump #debatenight
— Franchesca Ramsey (@chescaleigh) September 27, 2016