ABD sinemalarında bu hafta sonu en çok izlenen 10 film
1 (*) Taken 2………………………..
2 (1) Hotel Transylvania………………
3 (6) Pitch Perfect…………………..
4 (2) Looper……………………
5 (*) Frankenweenie (3D)………………..$ 11.5 million
6 (3) End of Watch…………………….
7 (4) Trouble With the Curve…………….$ 3.9 million
8 (5) House at the End of the Street……..$ 3.7 million
9 (9) The Master……………………
10(7) Finding Nemo (3D)…………………$ 1.
NOT: Parantez içindekiler geçen haftaki sıralamaları
(*) = yeni gösterime giren filmler
İlk 10’daki filmlerin toplam hasılatları:
Hotel Transylvania………………
Taken 2………………………..
Finding Nemo (3D)……………………..
End of Watch…………………….
Trouble with the Curve………………….$ 29.7 million
House at the End of the Street…………..$ 27.5 million
Pitch Perfect…………………..
The Master……………………
Frankenweenie (3D)……………………..